Photo Marc Domage
Courtesy the artist and Air de Paris, Romainville
Courtesy the artist and Air de Paris, Romainville
Photo Marc Domage
Courtesy the artist and Air de Paris, Romainville
Courtesy the artist and Air de Paris, Romainville
Photo Marc Domage
Courtesy the artist and Air de Paris, Romainville
Courtesy the artist and Air de Paris, Romainville
Photo Marc Domage
Courtesy the artist and Air de Paris, Romainville
Courtesy the artist and Air de Paris, Romainville
Photo Marc Domage
Courtesy the artist and Air de Paris, Romainville
Courtesy the artist and Air de Paris, Romainville
Photo Marc Domage
Courtesy the artist and Air de Paris, Romainville
Courtesy the artist and Air de Paris, Romainville
Mondes Subtiles, 2021
Air de Paris, Romainville, France+